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Главная » 2013 » Декабрь » 20 » Итоговое решение ЦИК по по формированию Парламента Западной Армении от 16 декабря 2013 года (на анг. яз.)
Итоговое решение ЦИК по по формированию Парламента Западной Армении от 16 декабря 2013 года (на анг. яз.)

АРМИНФОЦЕНТР: Публикуем итоговое Решение Центральной избирательной комиссии по формированию Национального Собрания (Парламента) Западной Армении от 16 декабря 2013 года (на английском языке)

R E S U L T S 

of elections for the training of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia

According The Statement of National Council of Western Armenia, Government of Western Armenia and the special Committee for the training of the National Assembly of Western Armenia, 24th of May, 2013, 22th of November, 2013, 08:00 hours, on 1st December, 2013 00:00 hours, for the first time in the history of the Armenian People, all over the world, took place the elections of deputies of  the National Assembly parliement of Western Armenia.
Elections are in direct and in the secret ballot.
     For the organization of these elections, a Central Elections Commission (CEC) was created for the training of the National Assembly of Western Armenia, composed of 15 persons from Armenia, from Russia, from France, from the United States, from  Djavakhk, from Germany and  Syria, who was made responsible for organizing and for leading the electoral campaign.
From 1st June, 2013 to 17 December, 2013 28 meetings of CEC took place, who adopted the necessary regulations for the organization of elections, lists of voters, who proved and agreed to candidates’ lists, which proved and approved the results of elections the National Assembly of Western Armenia in first convening.
All these materials and the holding of the election campaign as well as the holding of elections themselves were regularly published on the official site of CEC and in media.
For the organization of elections, including for the inscription of the voters, for the candidates and vote was opened a special Internet portal to CEC:  www.western-armenia-election.org, where everybody could:
- Firstly: Ask for the citizen of Western Armenia by asserting its Armenian nationality;
- Secondly: register to vote;
- Thirdly: according to conditions published in Statement “For the training of the Assembly National of Western Armenia”, record itself as candidates’ of the National Assembly of Western Armenia;
- Fourthly: the registered voters - citizens of Western Armenia, could take part in the election of the deputies in the secret ballot and direct.
The number of candidates is 75 persons.
During the examination of introduced documents, the recording candidates’ of the National Assembly of Western Armenia, it was refused 11 candidates, who didn’t introduce the necessary documents for the recording of CEC as candidates.
In relation to conditions published in Statement «For the training of the National Assembly of Western Armenia», the final list of the candidates was approved on a number of 64 persons who made the object of a correspondent candidacy.
This list of registered candidates’ of the National Assembly of Western Armenia was published on November 22nd, 2013 on the site of CEC for vote.
For the period included from 1st June, 2013 to 30th November, 2O13, 17837 voters from 41 countries were recorded, which are citizens of the Western Armenia, and they had the right to vote for the election of the deputies.
These voters are from: the Republic of Armenia, Artsakh, Western  Armenia, Abkhazia, Russia, France, Djavakhk, Ukraine, including Creteil, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece , Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Poland, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Turkey, Uruguay.
The elections of the deputies of the Western Armenia National Assembly in first convocation were supported by 17,155 voters, which accounts for 96.176 % of the full number of registered voters.
– 72 votes were considered invalid ballot, which corresponds to 0.42% of turnout.
– 17,062 voters are voted "for", which is 99.458%.
– 0 voters are voted “against”
– 21 voters are voted “abstain” which corresponds to 0, 122%.
After the election, 64 members were elected to the National Assembly of Western Armenia. They are elected from 10 countries and 27 cities.
-They voted "Abstain" - 21 voters, which corresponds  to 0.122%. After the election, 64 members were elected to the National Assembly in the first meeting. Deputies are elected from 10 countries and 27 cities.
They are from Armenia, Russia, France, USA, Germany, Abkhazia, Dja-vakhk, Denmark, Hungary, Suede ...
As well as the following cities: Yerevan, Echmiadzin, Armavir, Abovyan, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Gagra, Sukhumi Akhaltska, Paris, Marseille, Nice, Créteil, Vienna, Boston, Glendale, Gothenburg, Mainz, Odense, Budapest ....
The elected members come from more than 15 regions and provinces of Western Armenia: Kars, Bitlis, Van, Tigranakert (Diyarbakir), Hamshen, Trabzon, Karin (Erzurum), Igdir, Mush, Sebastia, Sassoun, Cilicie, Djavakhk …
Within the National Assembly of Western Armenia for first convocation were elected 20 female deputies, representing more than 31 % total numbers of the deputies.
Age groups of the National Assembly of Western Armenia are:
More than 60 years - 7 seats;
From 50 to 60 years - 20 deputies;
From 40 to 50 years - 16 deputies;
From 30 to 40 years - 11 deputies;
Less than 30 years - 10 deputies.
The youngest member of the deputies’ is 21 years old, and the oldest member of the deputies is 78 years old.
No irregularity in the election of the deputies was identified.
No irregularity in the election of the deputies was identified.
No complaint was brought back on electoral results and votes for а CEC.
The Central Elections Commission decides:
1. To envisage elections of the National Assembly of Western Armenia in first valid convocation.
2. To confirm the election of 64 members of the National Assembly of Western Armenia in first convocation.
3. To subject of the National Assembly of Western Armenia in first convocation the approval of the status of deputies of the personalities registered on the following list:
Decision was made in the unanimity.

Central Elections Commission for the training of the National Assembly of Western Armenia
On 16th December, 2013



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